Premium Payment Methods

We accept various payment methods to make your premium transactions convenient and straightforward.

For each payment, make sure to include the name of the insured, the document number, and the purpose of the deposit or transfer. In cases where there is insufficient information for identification, QNB Life Insurance will not be liable for the rejection of the transaction.

  • Direct debit from your account at QNB or other banks through ACH.
  • QNB E-Wallet (specifically for QNB customers).
  • Direct deduction from your credit card.
  • Fawry outlets and machines located nationwide and through the MY FAWRY application.
  • Electronic point of sale (POS) machines in Egyptian pounds, by calling 19753.
  • Payment by check payable to QNB Life Insurance Company.
  • Cash deposit in Egyptian pounds to the company's bank account, considering the bank transfer fees as per the instructions of the Central Bank of Egypt, if applicable.

For assistance on payment issues, please get in touch with our customer service on 19753.